What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is a chronic condition. Patients suffering from sleep apnea disorder find difficulty in breathing that ultimately be disturbing their sleep. Sleep Apnea leads to critical health issues and, you should consult with a sleep apnea specialist.
It occurs in a person when the muscles in the back that support the soft tissue in your throat as tongue and soft palate relax, it makes your airways narrower and block the passage of air. The blockage in the airways cuts of the breathing and, not having the balance amount of oxygen. You will meet some critical health problems as hemoglobin development and so on.
The foremost causes are excessive eating that leads to obesity means fat deposition on your upper airways. The enlarged turbinates in the nose disrupt airflow and having a narrow airway. Sometimes people inherit it or, family history could give you sleep apnea disorder. Large tonsils or adenoids, drinking alcohol is the biggest reason though you should avoid it. People having a thicker circumference of the neck might lead to sleep apnea disorder.
Sleep apnea disorder causes the patient to suffer from dullness
Feeling dizzy during daytime even after having a night's sleep.
Snoring, Waken up with a dry mouth, difficulty in breathing sometimes stops the breath and take after a while, Insomnia, Inattentive, Night sweats, Headaches in the morning, Mood swings, Frequent urination, high blood pressure, depression.
These symptoms are interpreting a picture of a sleep apnea patient.
- It is a potential disorder and, the patient should consult the Sleep Apnea Specialist. Types of Sleep Apnea
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Central sleep apnea
- Complex sleep apnea syndrome
What does Sleep Apnea Specialist do?
The sleep Apnea Specialist will guide you or prescribe you medicines based on your previous history or condition. People avoid getting in touch with specialists but, it is crucial to consult a Sleep Apnea Specialist. If you have symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea your doctor might refer you to a consult with an ENT specialist. Sleep apnea Specialists conduct a small test to diagnose sleep apnea. The specialist measures your heart rate, airflow, breathing patterns, & the blood oxygen level in your body.
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