Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder in which the person stops breathing while asleep. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder because which person stops breathing several times during sleep. Sleep Apnea is most common in men. Most of the time sleep apnea is caused when the airways in the throat are weakened or collapse. Other severe diseases are also can be the reason for sleep apnea in which high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, overweight, heavy smoking, neurological diseases are the main diseases that can cause sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a treatable disease and sleep apnea treatment includes the following procedure.
Sleep Apnea Treatment:
First, you should check the frequency of breathlessness if you stop breathing for more than 10 seconds then it should be necessary to consult the doctor for sleep apnea treatment. Sometimes sleep apnea treatment is simple. Because sleep apnea can also be treated by making some healthy changes in your lifestyle. Two changes are included.
Lose your weight
Stop Smoking
But losing weight and stop smoking are treatments for mild sleep apnea there are other sleep Apnea Treatments are available for moderate and severe sleep Apnea.
Continuous Positive Airways Pressure:
This is the most common sleep Apnea Treatment if you have severe or moderate Sleep Apnea in this treatment a device is used which is also called a CPAP device. The device is more like a mask that gives you perfect air pressure while you sleep. But using CPAP is uncomfortable for people. But by adjustment of mask straps make it comfortable.
Oral Device for Sleep Apnea Treatment:
There is a number of oral devices that can help you with Sleep Apnea Treatment in Los Angeles. Oral devices are more comfortable than CPAP devices. Oral devices are binging your jaw forward to open your throat which helps you to prevent snoring and maintain air pressure.
Treatment of other diseases:
Sleep Apnea is caused by other diseases such as heart and neurological diseases so, treatment of these diseases can also help you in sleep Apnea treatment.
Oxygen Supplement devices:
Oxygen supplements can also help you take good oxygen while you sleep.
It is the last option for Sleep Apnea treatment. It is recommended by a specialist when no other treatment method works on you. Mostly surgery is the option after the period of 5 to 6 months when no other treatment can help you.
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