Sleep Apnea & Causes Behind Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that is commonly found in men at any age and mostly the aged women commonly have sleep apnea. In this sleep disorder, the patient's breathing process stops several times in asleep due to airways are collapse or breaking. There are several ways to treat apnea most commonly the devices that help people to make breathing smooth by preventing the airways from collapsing or breaking. Sleep apnea is two types. 

         Obstructive Sleep Apnea

         Central Sleep Apnea 


Obstructive sleep apnea is common in which the patient experiences breathlessness several times during asleep due to the airways are collapse or breaking while in central sleep apnea the brain of a patient stops sending the signal for breathing.  

Sleep specialists usually do a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea. In the sleep study, the sleep doctor observed your sleeping such as how frequently the patient stops breathing in an hour during the sleep. The level of oxygen in the blood during breath lessens is also recorded.

The Common Reasons Behind Sleep Apnea 

There is not an age for sleep apnea especially for men but the disorder is common at an older age. Old age apnea is can be the reason for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, etc. while younger age sleep apnea is the reason for changes in controls berthing into the brain which is why the person experiences breathlessness while asleep.

Lifestyle can also be the reason behind apnea such as the use of alcohol, excessive smoking, and unhealthy eating habits. The use of alcohol relaxes the muscles of the mouth and throat that are close to the upper airways and the alcohol intake makes chemical changes in your brain that affect the signals of the brain that control breathing. While smoking also damages the upper airways because of inflammation and it affects the brain as well. Eating habits affect the entire body unhealthy eating habits that increase weight can cause sleep apnea because sometimes the breathlessness during the sleep is because of obesity.

Signs and Signals of Sleep Apnea

Good sleep is important for everyone and if you experience any issues with sleeping then it must be taken seriously. The common signs of sleep apnea are. 



While the common symptoms of sleep apnea are

         Dry mouth and headache when the person wakes up

         Lack of focus or fatigue because of sleeplessness at night

Waking up several times during the sleep

Read more: Sleep Apnea Treatment Los Angeles


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